MLMM – First Line Friday- 3rd July 2020
First Line being :
The open sky stretched from sand to horizon and the riders advanced on the oasis.

MLMM – Wordle # 196
Great, Wild, Regress, Intuitive, World, Autonomous, Curve, Alone, Whole, Free, Satellite, Shine

The open sky stretched from sand to horizon and the riders advanced on the oasis.

The wild roar of the wind when regressing the curves and peaks of sand dunes left them wondering, what the desert had in store for them.

The desert was a different whole world on its own, another world of illusions and hallucinations and free mind juggling. The riders knew about this and they were extra cautious while nearing the oasis. This effort from them put an end to the dull and monotonous air they breathed in.

They felt great and relieved in seeing this lush green amidst the vast browns, but in their autonomous move towards it, their eyes scavenged like satellites for any impending dangers lurking around or unlikely events that might fall upon them.

They moved in closer, yet with each step towards it, their intuitive minds screamed that their eyes might be fooling them. On one side, was the shine let out by the water, and on the other was the urge to retract.

When they were all left in a dilemma, another strong wind swallowed their hopes and where there was an oasis before, there was only a palm tree standing tall and alone !!

The desert played its tricks on them, and they were all fooled by what is called a mirage !!


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