For Kristiana’s August Writing Prompt #3 – HALF MOON SHADOWS

Kristiana chose mine to be one among the top 3 responses for the week.
You can read mine, Kristiana’s and Priya’s Contributions here.

Earth gave birth to the night
and her bosom was so tender,
and milk spilled all over her body.
Gentle wind soothing her aches and
Trees singing lullabies for the newborn.
The night lay resting on earth,
her shining firefly eyes wandering
and nocturnal cries in abstract.
Above, the sky celebrates her birth
by hanging fairy lights of stars
on the big black veil drawn.
The master of the night sky arrives,
and he has chosen to be a thief,
stealing hearts of earth’s children.
His mesmerizing shine through grey spots
his cool warmth of affection and
the pure joy of his sly looks.
The earth too saw this change in sky
and she pulled her child close.
She dint want to lose this one too.
 But radiant and beautiful, as ever
charming and magnetic the moon was.
No time was lost in seducing
and night was wedded to him.
But night had seen only his light,
his craters and scars were unseen.
Little did she know that he too
had phases of emotions and shapes.
Betrayed she felt and choked,
on the half moon shadows he cast
upon the deep trust she had.
He imprinted her forever
and was destined to bear his shadows.
She was left with an empty canvas,
where he drew the master strokes,
of crescent and his half and slice,
with the white glow he stole from sun.


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